Window Treatment Sizing & FAQ
Currently we only sell unlined valances. Most of the fabrics we use have a "light filtering" effect, not a blackout or sheer. If you need a lined valance, please contact us for a quote.
How to Select & Install Valances
- Gathered Valances usually comes in 2 sized pockets, a standard pocket which usually varies between 1 1/4" & 1 3/4", this type of pocket usually works with curtain rods less then 3/4" in diameter. The second type of pocket is called the wide pocket, this pocket is 3"W & usually works with a 2 1/2" wide pocket curtain rod or a decorative rod up to 1 1/4" in diameter. We only make the 3" pocket unless requested prior to ordering
- Fullness is subjective, so here is a guide, use approximately 2 times your window width in fabric. For thinner fabrics use more fullness as much 3 1/2 times your window width, for thicker fabrics use less fullness. If you want to see more pattern use less fullness, if you want more fold use for fullness
- The standard width of a valance usually coincides with the width of the bolt of fabric the manufacturer started with. So if you want to same money & buy a stock valance, it is not unusual to have to use multiple panels to achieve your desired fullness. Many times you will need multiple valances for a single width window. Some customers think they need a special width to fit their windows, this is simply not true. You can achieve your desired look with any size valance offered.
- When you are discussing gathered valances, it usually means you are talking about the pocket type of the valance, gathered valances are available in many variations, including lined valances, scalloped valances, shaped valances, straight valances, scalloped valances, Austrian valances, etc.
- Flat valances usually comes in 2 sized pockets, a standard pocket which usually varies between 1 1/4" & 1 3/4", this type of pocket usually works with curtain rods less then 3/4" in diameter. The second type of pocket is called the wide pocket, this pocket is 3"W & usually works with a 2 1/2" wide pocket curtain rod or a decorative rod up to 1 1/4" in diameter.
- Fullness is usually more exact, so here is a guide, for a standard curtain rod, use the width of your window, add 1 or 2 inched on each side, since you will be mounting the curtain rod one or two inches outside the window frame, also add the return of the rod (The Projection from the wall to the front face of the curtain rod). Remember to account for both sides. For decorative curtain rods, you usually want the width that fits between the mounting brackets.
- The standard width of a valance usually coincides with the width of the bolt of fabric the manufacturer started with. So if you want to same money & buy a stock valance, you might have to concede some flatness. How flat the valance lays is customer preference, some times a little gather here or there, doesn't prohibit you from achieving to look you want.
- When you are discussing flat valances, it usually means you are talking about the pocket type of the valance, flat valances are available in many variations, including lined valances, scalloped valances, shaped valances, straight valances, scalloped valances, etc.
How to Select & Install Kitchen Curtains
Separates:- Kitchen curtains that are sold as separates, this means the Swags, Valances & Tiers are all sold separately. Many customers new to curtains are always confused about this. The swags are sold as pairs, they are the left & right angled curtain on the top of section of the window. The valance, usually called an insert valance, is used between the Swag Pair. Multiple insert valances can be used to accommodate any width window. The Tiers are sold in pairs and are used on the bottom section of the window.
- Kitchen Swag Pairs, Insert Valances & Tier Pairs usually come with a standard pocket that usually varies between 1 1/4" & 1 3/4", this type of pocket usually works with curtain rods less then 3/4" in diameter.
- Most customers use a standard curtain rod for the swag pair & valance & a sash or cafe rod for the tier pairs.
- The majority of prepacked stock swag pairs are usually 58"W to 60"W & are 38"L. The insert valances are usually 58"W to 60"W and 12"L. The tier pairs usually come in 2 lengths, a 24"L & a 36"L, the are usually 58"W to 60"W.
- When determining what length tier you need, consider the total length of your window. For example, say your window length is 60"L, the insert valance will be mounted about 1 inch over the window, so if you deduct 1 1/2" for your pocket & 1 1/2" for your header (These are approximations). There will be a 9" drop, so if you choose a 36" long tier pair, you will have approximately 15" of open space on your window.
- There is no right or wrong way, the question is, how do I get an inexpensive prepacked kitchen curtains to look great on my window, without spending hundreds of dollar on custom treatments.